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Rails5 MySQL fix rename_column as part of cleanup_concurrent_column_type_change for timestamps

What does this MR do?

There was a problem with CleanupAddTimezoneToIssuesClosedAt post migration on Rails 5 MySQL. The rename_column as part of cleanup_concurrent_column_type_change was executing ALTER TABLE `issues` CHANGE `closed_at_for_type_change` `closed_at` datetime so changing the new timestamp column back to a datetime(introduced here in rename_column_sql).

This change disables the aliasing of timestamp to datetime as part of new_column_definition. It now executes ALTER TABLE `issues` CHANGE `closed_at_for_type_change` `closed_at` timestamp NULL

This can easily be tested by running: RAILS5=1 bin/rspec spec/migrations/migrate_issues_to_ghost_user_spec.rb:20 spec/lib/gitlab/database/migration_helpers_spec.rb:1184 which will failed with

 1) Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers#rename_column_using_background_migration renames a column using a background migration
       add_column(table, new_column, new_type,
                  limit: old_col.limit,
                  precision: old_col.precision,
                  scale: old_col.scale)

       #<ActiveRecord::Migration:0x00005591a6888438 @name="ActiveRecord::Migration", @version=nil, @connection=nil> received :add_column with unexpected arguments
         expected: ("issues", :closed_at_timestamp, :datetime_with_timezone, {:limit=>anything, :precision=>anything, :scale=>anything})
              got: ("issues", :closed_at_timestamp, :datetime, {:limit=>nil, :precision=>0, :scale=>nil})
       @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
       - :datetime_with_timezone,
       - {:limit=>anything, :precision=>anything, :scale=>anything}]
       + :datetime,
       + {:limit=>nil, :precision=>0, :scale=>nil}]
     # ./lib/gitlab/database/migration_helpers.rb:642:in `rename_column_using_background_migration'
     # ./spec/lib/gitlab/database/migration_helpers_spec.rb:1228:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'


Are there points in the code the reviewer needs to double check?

Is there a better way than this monkey patch? Should I add specs for this?

Why was this MR needed?

rails5 upgrade

Screenshots (if relevant)

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?

What are the relevant issue numbers?

Edited by Yorick Peterse

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