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Prevent fetching diffs and discussions data unnecessarily on MR page

Fatih Acet requested to merge acet-fix-fetching-diffs-data into master

Before we were fetching diffs.json and discussions.json when you open any tab in the MR page.

Now these are the requests we do in every tab

  • Discussions
    • discussions.json
    • 🚫 diffs.json
  • Commits
    • 🚫 discussions.json
    • 🚫 diffs.json
  • Pipelines
    • 🚫 discussions.json
    • 🚫 diffs.json
  • Changes (we need both diffs and discussions to show diff discussions)
    • discussions.json
    • diffs.json

Fixes #48493 (closed)

Merge request reports