Vertical misalignment of login box header
What does this MR do?
Refactor CSS for pages/login.scss
(part of which was introduced mainly in !6328 (merged)):
- to remove CSS duplication for the login box
- to make the login box independent from Bootstrap 3's
- as a result, to eliminate 6 nested selectors (cf. #39584 (moved))
Are there points in the code the reviewer needs to double check?
Why was this MR needed?
- to eliminate vertical misalignment in the login box header
- to keep CSS code cleaned up
Screenshots (if relevant)
Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?
Changelog entry added, if necessary - [n/a] Documentation created/updated
- [n/a] API support added
- [n/a] Tests added for this feature/bug
- Review
Has been reviewed by UX -
Has been reviewed by Frontend - [n/a] Has been reviewed by Backend
- [n/a] Has been reviewed by Database
Conform by the merge request performance guides -
Conform by the style guides -
Squashed related commits together - [n/a] Internationalization required/considered
What are the relevant issue numbers?
Closes #41748 (closed)
Blocked by !16271 (merged)
Merge request reports
added 1 commit
- 2e646490 - Refactor CSS to eliminate vertical misalignment of login nav
marked the checklist item Squashed related commits together as completed
marked the checklist item Conform by the style guides as completed
marked the checklist item Conform by the merge request performance guides as completed
marked the checklist item Changelog entry added, if necessary as completed
mentioned in issue #39584 (moved)
added Community contribution UI polish UX debt typebug maintenancerefactor labels
assigned to @jschatz1
changed milestone to %10.4
They can start review anytime, but we should wait for !16271 (merged) merged to merge this MR.
added 1 commit
- 49d6f0bb - Refactor CSS to eliminate vertical misalignment of login nav
added 1 commit
- c695a381 - Refactor CSS to eliminate vertical misalignment of login nav
added 143 commits
c695a381...bd50ecba - 142 commits from branch
- a7bd08a3 - Refactor CSS to eliminate vertical misalignment of login nav
c695a381...bd50ecba - 142 commits from branch
changed milestone to %10.5
This should be set to %10.5 as the blocking !16271 (merged) was set to %10.5 too.
@tnir Thanks! I believe the karma failure is legit. Assigning back to you.
assigned to @tnir
As !16362 (merged) was merged,
is now required.added 770 commits
a7bd08a3...ba02e3a5 - 769 commits from branch
- f75b82ca - Refactor CSS to eliminate vertical misalignment of login nav
a7bd08a3...ba02e3a5 - 769 commits from branch
added 1277 commits
f75b82ca...498ade48 - 1276 commits from branch
- 018237b8 - Refactor CSS to eliminate vertical misalignment of login nav
f75b82ca...498ade48 - 1276 commits from branch
changed milestone to %10.6
added 1453 commits
018237b8...001a28d0 - 1452 commits from branch
- da2b0b49 - Refactor CSS to eliminate vertical misalignment of login nav
018237b8...001a28d0 - 1452 commits from branch
cf. !7314 (merged)
changed milestone to %10.7
added 1 commit
- 705f2a65 - Refactor CSS to eliminate vertical misalignment of login nav
added 801 commits
705f2a65...391732a2 - 800 commits from branch
- cc7d89d0 - Refactor CSS to eliminate vertical misalignment of login nav
705f2a65...391732a2 - 800 commits from branch
added 1 commit
- 316d3e0f - Refactor CSS to eliminate vertical misalignment of login nav
added 1 commit
- 22c37ec3 - Refactor CSS to eliminate vertical misalignment of login nav
@jschatz1 Thanks. As I fixed the code, could you review this again?
job is now failing, but not relevant to this MR.assigned to @jschatz1
@jschatz1 Could you review this or assign this to someone?
changed milestone to %10.8
@ClemMakesApps Could you review this or assign this to someone?
assigned to @ClemMakesApps
assigned to @leipert
LGTM! The actually hardest thing was to spot the difference at all! Thanks @tnir!
@cperessini Could you have a look for UX, or is this screenshot enough for you?
assigned to @cperessini
Thanks for this contribution @tnir! Looks great to me, approving the UX.
assigned to @ClemMakesApps
added typebug label
- Resolved by Clement Ho
@tnir just a comment
assigned to @tnir
added 1 commit
- a2135f38 - Refactor CSS to eliminate vertical misalignment of login nav
added 1037 commits
a2135f38...9fc2493b - 1036 commits from branch
- 21e6c7ac - Refactor CSS to eliminate vertical misalignment of login nav
a2135f38...9fc2493b - 1036 commits from branch
LGTM, Thanks @tnir! Great work
assigned to @ClemMakesApps
mentioned in commit e77ecf62
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/release/tasks#197 (closed)
mentioned in merge request !18830 (merged)
mentioned in issue gitlab#19977 (closed)