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Circuitbreaker backoff and retries
- Oct 23, 2017
Bob Van Landuyt authored
That way we can enable the circuitbreaker for just one host at a time.
Bob Van Landuyt authored
Instead of only checking once within a timeout, check multiple times within a timeout. That means with a timeout of 30 seconds and 3 retries. Each try would be allowed 20 seconds.
Bob Van Landuyt authored
The circuitbreaker now has 2 failure modes: - Backing off: This will raise the `Gitlab::Git::Storage::Failing` exception. Access to the shard is blocked temporarily. - Circuit broken: This will raise the `Gitlab::Git::Storage::CircuitBroken` exception. Access to the shard will be blocked until the failures are reset.
Bob Van Landuyt authored
Bob Van Landuyt authored