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Hide CI section markers from job trace

Alessio Caiazza requested to merge 37970-timestamped-ci into master

What does this MR do?

This is a parser for CI sections marker in jobs trace. Markers will be hidden in HTML views but still available on raw output.

<code class="bash js-build-output">
Running with gitlab-runner dev (HEAD)<br>
  on minikube (d736dc6b)<br>
Using Kubernetes namespace: default<br>
Using Kubernetes executor with image golang:1.7 ...<br>
<div class="term-section-marker" data-action="start" data-timestamp="1505912384" data-section="prepare_script">section_start:1505912384:prepare_script</div>
Waiting for pod default/runner-d736dc6b-project-11-concurrent-0zv7x1 to be running, status is Pending<br>
Waiting for pod default/runner-d736dc6b-project-11-concurrent-0zv7x1 to be running, status is Pending<br>
Waiting for pod default/runner-d736dc6b-project-11-concurrent-0zv7x1 to be running, status is Pending<br>
Running on runner-d736dc6b-project-11-concurrent-0zv7x1 via kitsune.local...<br>
<div class="term-section-marker" data-action="end" data-timestamp="1505912396" data-section="prepare_script">section_end:1505912396:prepare_script</div>
<div class="term-section-marker" data-action="start" data-timestamp="1505912396" data-section="get_sources">section_start:1505912396:get_sources</div>
<span class="term-fg-l-green term-bold">Cloning repository...</span><br>
Cloning into '/tests/test-runner-2148'...<br>
[ ... cut ... ]

Timestamp, section name, and action (start/end) are extracted as data-* attributes in case we want to use them in frontend

Are there points in the code the reviewer needs to double check?

Why was this MR needed?

With gitlab-runner!689 (merged) we will start sending timestamped section markers

Screenshots (if relevant)

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?

What are the relevant issue numbers?

#37970 (closed)

cc: @ayufan @bikebilly

Edited by Kamil Trzciński

Merge request reports