Organize project pipelines page by branch or tag
Problem to solve
The CI/CD → Pipelines page on GitLab projects defaults to All, which shows a list of all pipelines created for a project. On busy projects with lots of active branches and pushes, this list is quite busy and it is difficult to find pipelines for a branch or tag.
Here is a screenshot from a project with over 20 active feature branches. Busy branches will dominate the pipeline list, and it is very hard to find the pipelines for a specific branch.
Further details
The Pipelines page defaults to showing all pipelines. The page can be set to different scopes (Pending, Running, Finished, Branches, and Tags) to narrow down the list of displayed pipelines.
I propose that the Pipelines page group pipelines by branch and tag. Instead of a linear list of all pipelines, the default page would show a list of all branches and tags (refs), and then the last pipeline run for that ref. The ref should be openable to show all the pipelines for it, whether inline on the same page or on a separate page.
The existing Branches scope page is a decent compromise. It shows the most recent pipeline for each branch, sorted by the age of the pipeline. It makes it easy for me to monitor pipelines across branches, but I can't get access to past pipelines.
Here is a crude mockup of an overview page that groups together pipelines by branches and shows the most recent pipeline by default. Branches can be opened to show additional past pipelines.
This mockup also lays out everything in singular rows, to make it easier to see values like pipeline runtimes and age across rows.
What does success look like, and how can we measure that?
I want to be able to easily see the pipeline status of branches in a busy project, and drill into past pipelines of a specific branch or tag.