Review code and content outside of merge request flow
Code review (and even reviewing of images occurs outside the "regular" workflow of creating code for a feature/bug, submitting a merge request, and reviewing the diff. Often, people just want to navigate to a file (or a particular version of it on any given branch), i.e. a commit, and review it, collaborating with other people asynchronously. This also includes the scenarios of documentation review where the docs are tracked through source control in a git repo.
- Comment on any line in commit / merge request diff
- More to come
Original description
Description including problem, use cases, benefits, and/or goals
To be able to do offline code review or just to review file-by-file, it would be very useful to be able to add line comments to any file when viewing it, not only to diffs.
Note that we link to the full file right now on merge requests, but don't actually allow the person to comment.
We add the ability to add line comments to any file.
Ideally the line comment would be linked to the current commit. That means that only if a new commit changes this file, the comment disappears from view for someone viewing
, for instance.Suggestion by @dzaporozhets:
Probably it would be nice when you browse file to see
There are 3 comments on older version of this file. Show them
. So you can easily find it even if file changes frequentlyLinks / references
@DouweM @rspeicher @dzaporozhets @stanhu let me know your thoughts