System admin activates service desk by checking the checkbox. The checkbox is visible by anybody who can access the project settings. But only the system admin has permission to check or uncheck the checkbox.
Behind the scenes, GitLab manages a special support-bot user to do issue creation / comment adding.
This user (username, email, and avatar) shows up in the GitLab UI.
GitLab provides a special email address to send in issues, e.g. (See mockups.)
GitLab communicates to the system admin that they should use a friendly email address and have that forward to an internal email address. Example: forwarding to
GitLab also has a warning message that users could potentially spam the email address. So GitLab should warn the system admin of this, and recommend that they implement some email spam solution themselves. GitLab does not have one.
If the configuration checkbox is not checked, any new emails coming through the email address don't do anything. (It is fine for the email address to bounce. But not necessary.) No new issues are created.
If the configuration checkbox is not checked, any existing issues immediately "stop working". That is, if the external user can still reply back to an existing support issue, then nothing happens on the GitLab side. And if support users can keep commenting on the thread in the issue, no emails are generated.
External user
Suppose GitLab support has been set up as in above.
External user sends an email to
They get an automated email back from the company acknowledging the email request.
The automated email has a link / button, that allows the user to click to stop the support thread. This is useful because if a malicious user spoofed the original support request email, then the real owner of the email account can indicate that there was an error. They are opting-out.
If the external user does opt out, this generates an email back to the GitLab issue, leaving a comment. So then the support staff knows to close the issue.
They get an email back from a human support user.
The external user carries on with the support user thread, back and forth, like regular email.
Rich media is not supported. Only plain text is supported.
Internal human GitLab support user
Suppose GitLab support has been set up as in above.
Suppose there is an incoming email to
A confidential issue is created in that GitLab project.
The issue author is the specially configured dedicated GitLab account, i.e. support-robot from above.
The issue title is the subject line of the incoming email. So using the example below, it would be I'm having some problems with accessing my account.
The issue description has some email header and body information, for example:
From: Victor Wu <>Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2017 10:43:53 -0500Subject: I'm having some problems with accessing my accountTo: support@company.comHi there. I just opened an account on your site. But I'm having some issues with it. Can somebody there give me a call? Here's an attached screenshot. as well. My phone number is 123-456-7890.Regards,Victor
The system sends back an automated email, allowing the external user to opt out of the support thread.
The automated email is recorded as a comment in the GitLab issue.
The human GitLab support user opens the issue and comments on the issue. The content of the comment is sent back to the external user in the same email thread.
The email being returned has a properly configured reply-to setting so that the external user can keep emailing back.
When the external user emails back, only the body of the email appears in the comment. The author of the comment in GitLab is support-robot.
Editing or deleting any comment in the comment thread of the issue has not further effect. (No emails are generated.)
Rich media is not supported. Only plain text is supported. Text styling is stripped out. Images or other media are stripped out in both directions. (In the example above, the screenshot is stripped out.)
Acceptance criteria / gotchas
Make sure email threads look good on the external user side. Test in at least gmail.
Test with HTML emails and images. Test with inline attachments.
Make sure we do not get into any infinite email loop scenarios with OOO replies and other auto replies set up by the customer, and the support user accounts.
Add it. This is a brand new feature.
Stretch goals
Default friendly support email address already set up based on the gitlab instance name, i.e. something like:
Support images.
Depending on the implementation, the comments created by the external user (via support-robot) might get really long. Use some email parsing solution so it's not messy.
Out of scope
What happens when an issue is closed? No strict requirements here.
Original issue description
Companies who sell softwares, need to support their customers. To do so, they need a service desk to communicate with them. They also need an issue tracker to fix and track issues that come out of this. That's two different systems to set up. While they can communicate with APIs, they are not integrated.
We can provide a simple solution for this problem: use our own issue tracker as a simple service desk.
Each project can have a support user set.
That user's private issue creation email address will be shown in the project settings to people who can admin the project, so we should make it very clear it shouldn't be someone's personal user.
Customer emails this email address
This creates a confidential issue
This issue's author is a user, associated with a non-reply email address, created by the admin.
A new metadata is assigned to the issue: the identity of the customer (name + email)
That way, we don't have to create a special status for this customer (no need to take care of the seat count or permissions to read anything else in the repository)
We'll use this metadata information to send replies back to the customer
All team members can contribute to the ticket submitted by the customer, as long as they have the right permissions (at least reporter access).
We send comments, but not other issue changes (assignee, milestone, labels, etc.) to the email on that issue, without linking to the issue.
The customer can only participate to the discussion by email.
New: Project settings screen
A dropdown in the project settings screen to associate a user as the default support user
New: Receiving emails to the address email defined as the support agent
When someone sends an email to this email address, an issue is created (subject line = title, body email = body issue).
Two new metadata are added to the issue: name+email (both taken from the sender's information)
The email address of the customer (stored in the metadata of the issue) is used to send emails back to the customer.
New: Email that is sent back upon ticket submitted
Once the email is received on the server, and the issue created, we will send an email back to the sender, saying that we have received the request and get back to him quickly.
This should only happen the first time a ticket is submitted - not on every comment made after that.
Email does not contain a link to the issue.
Updated: Subsequent emails
Each time a new comment is added to the thread, an email is sent to the customer. However, the email does not contain a link to the discussion.
Service desk off
Service desk on
Out of scope
Private comments
Spam filter: this should be handled outside of GitLab.
This page may contain information related to upcoming products, features and functionality.
It is important to note that the information presented is for informational purposes only, so please do not rely on the information for purchasing or planning purposes.
Just like with all projects, the items mentioned on the page are subject to change or delay, and the development, release, and timing of any products, features, or functionality remain at the sole discretion of GitLab Inc.
@sytses sounds pretty cool. However it feels like a lot of work (basically we implement own zendesk inside GitLab). If it would be only us I rather make integration with Zendesk instead. I am wondering how many customers asked for this.
@dzaporozhets this is far out and a major change. There is no customer demand for this yet so we shouldn't start it but I wanted to have it on our radar.
I think an email to issue gateway would be pretty neat, but I dont think gitlab needs to be an email server. Instead have the gateway be an email client that inturn will create issues based on rules and templates. Modeling the JIRA email handler would be of interest too.
@victorwu we are investigating this. It will have an impact on discussions.
I've tried to keep things as simple as possible and reduce the amount of change required for this to happen. If we don't want to mess with the User and Issue objects, and allow customers to interact in an issue without being able to view the code, we have to create a new permission type. Can you review and tell me if you see something I could have missed? Thanks.
Thanks @regisF. I can't comment too much about the technical nature of the User and Issue objects since I don't know it very well yet.
As for the functionality, could you outline what user flows would be achieved in the MVP release? I read the system components you are proposing. But could you tie everything together in a flow, which users are involved, etc. so we could get a better picture of the problem being solved?
The initial specification allowed the customer to go to GitLab to discuss in the issue. But that creates too many changes in the application: we need a way to let this customer see and comment only his own tickets (and nothing else), while not being counted as a seat in the instance.
This new proposal still requires changes, but are less drastic. Once we agree on a flow, I'll create dedicated issues for each step of the flow.
Are we going to use this to support EE customers? Who are the first users for this feature?
The first iteration that is MVP (i.e. usable) can literally be just 1. as you've described. Operationally, you just need to set up a dedicated project with the right permissions.
So when an email is sent in, an issue is created in that specific project, and the system just copies the email headers and body into the issue title + description. That's the only thing you really need to make this feature work. I'm not sure that would be powerful enough for even medium sized companies. But at least we get it out there. And for a small company that doesn't want to buy ZenDesk, by buying EE, they have this really dead-simple way of scanning through all support requests. So this could be useful enough for them. And of course we build on this to make it more powerful, increasingly automating more of the manual steps, etc.
With this approach, you don't have to worry about setting up permissions, etc. in the first iteration. You just get something out there and learn from feedback before making all the subsequent detailed designs of how the flow would work.
@victorwu I've thought about that too, but we still have the same problems even if we choose that route. So I don't see how that simplify things - I think it's actually the same, if not harder.
we need a new email address to send issues to
the author of the ticket shall not count as a user seat
we still need the customer to read our comments by email
if we don't want to change the system too much, we should not invite customers to participate in GitLab directly, so we need to send emails that do not contain the link to the issue when a comment is made on the issue.
the changes in the code will have to be made at the project level then, which is the same as changing the issue instead.
I agree that for the MVP we don't need private comments per se, nor the sidebar changes (I've updated the issue to reflect that).
For the end user who is sending the email and requesting the support. Their experience is not impacted at all:
(1) An end user sends a request email. They get a response to the email. It may go back and forth. But the user lives in Gmail/Outlook/whatever and nothing matters. This is fine. I assume in the MVP, we are not innovating on this aspect, or improving the experience of the customer experience.
(2) On GitLab's side, I agree we just need one dedicated user that the system uses to author the issues. For a first release, this can just be the default system admin. So that solves the user count problem.
(3) All new emails that come in from the customer automatically create new issues in that dedicated private GitLab project. On the GitLab side, that could be messy, because one email thread results in multiple issues if the end user sends in multiple emails. But that's okay for an MVP
(4) On the GitLab side, people can organize the issues together however they want. It is manual, but at least they have existing powerful features of labels, assignees, etc. So there will be workflows that support staff can create manually. This is actually good because it will give us feedback on how support people use this.
(5) On the GitLab side, people comment on issues as usual, collaboration happens within the support staff and engineers, etc for that company. At some point, they are ready to respond back to the customer. In that case, somebody has to go back to a dedicated email client, and then respond to the customer directly through email. And they can manually copy and paste their response back into the GitLab issues.
This seems like the least system-disruptive MVP. (You could argue that it's such a bad experience on the GitLab side it's not good enough.) But I would say those are all acceptable, because you can leverage the powerful features of labeling and assigning and due dates, and weights, etc. And then later on, with subsequent releases, you solve / automate away (3) , (4), (5), and add more bells and whistles.
Wouldn't this implementation just require a new system module that takes emails, parses them, and then create issues using the GitLab API? I assume this would be a simplest code implementation. Of course let me know if I'm not right!
(3) There is always, in every support case, a back and forth between support agent and the customer. One issue per comment would be unmanageable to follow the discussion, and on this case, make following the process from issue to commit and push to production impossible - which is against our selling point of having an integrated flow.
Moreover, if the customer presses the reply button, GitLab already parses the email and puts the email as comment in the issue.
To sum up
We use one project as the "service desk"
(new feature) Each project gets a new email address to act as a service desk
We create one confidential issue per email sent
(new feature) The issue's author is the default instance admin
(new feature) The issue body contains the name+email address of the sender
Subsequent emails on the same issue will be added as a comment
Then we ship this, market it, take feedback and iterate.
@victorwu actually there is one problem with this. I forgot about it.
The customer needs to receive all comments made on the issue. Therefore, we still need to set the author's email as being the customer's email, without being counted as a seat.
The customer needs to receive all comments made on the issue. Therefore, we still need to set the author's email as being the customer's email, without being counted as a seat.
I think this is one of the main arguments to be had. I totally agree that this is a good feature and an obvious flow. But do we really need it as an MVP? Could we not just have whoever is commenting also use a separate email client to respond to the customer? If that's a non-starter (for whatever reason), then I agree posting a comment should just fire back an email, and therefore, the comment thread should essentially just mirror the email thread from the user's POV. (Which in essence, we are cloning ZD, which of course is probably the right solution, since this is a solved problem.)
If a customer can't receive the answer by email when a comment is made, I think it's a non starter. That means communication would happen in two places (emails and GitLab).
@regisF: Sounds good. Thanks for sharing that context!
Régis Freyd (GitLab)changed title from Handle incoming emails with support questions in issues to Use GitLab as Service Desk incoming emails with support questions in issues
changed title from Handle incoming emails with support questions in issues to Use GitLab as Service Desk incoming emails with support questions in issues
This would be a great feature addition - I've worked with a lot of different helpdesk software over my career, and a simple, lightweight service desktop solution integrated with gitlab issues would be a great addition.
As mentioned above, I would expect:
the ability to create an email alias for that gets delivered to my gitlab service desk.
gitlab reads email and opens a ticket on behalf of customer, creates a customer record based on email address and name if none exist, otherwise it associates new ticket with existing customer
support engineers can view open issues, assign to themselves or others, and make a comment or note. Comment should update and email out to all involved parties including customer. Note should be internal-only comment that does not email customer
any customer replies to email out of service desk should be captured and properly threaded -- probably based on an x-header in email
a way to merge tickets together if multiple tickets exist for same issue
a way to merge customers if multiple customer profiles get created for same customer
a way to manually enter a service desk request if it comes in via phone or comments in other email
some basic metrics on ticket aging, ticket volume, ticket closing by "agent"/user
a simple way to reference gitlab tickets or issues and see a visual representation of whether ticket is open or closed when page is rendered. This should create an entry in the corresponding gitlab issue tracker as well for cross reference that will show if service desk request is open or closed
ability to spawn an engineering issue from a service desk request and tie them together
service desk screens should refresh if someone adds comments or assigns ticket to themselves
@regisF thanks for scoping this down! For now, I'm just commenting on the MVP above:
However this email address is specific to a user, so we can't use this.
Couldn't we use that email address as the Support user sees it? Then we don't need a new concept for this part.
The author is a generic account, Support
this account is created the first time a ticket is received - how would we handle that? Maybe we should ask users to create a user with a no-reply email address, and configure that as the support user for the project, instead?
Two new metadata are added to the issue: name+email (both taken from the sender's information)
This, and the notification changes around it, sounds fine.
That user's private issue creation email address will be shown in the project settings to people who can admin the project, so we should make it very clear it shouldn't be someone's personal user.
That user should also not have higher than Guest permissions, so that they can't use slash commands in the email.
When an issue is created by email on that project for that support user:
We make it confidential.
We store the sender's email and name (from the email) in new columns on the issue itself.
We send comments, but not other issue changes (assignee, milestone, labels, etc.) to the email on that issue, without linking to the issue.
The support user still gets all the emails as normal, which is why it should have an unused email address for its notification email. Any other participants in the issue receive emails as normal, too.
@regisF I think the user shouldn't be special except within the context of a project. So the users table wouldn't have any changes, but in the project settings you could configure the service desk with a user account to use for this case. Does that make sense?
I'm not trying to be rude — and I might have misunderstood the latest proposal — but this doesn't sound like a very useful "Service Desk" to me. I'm aware that this is just for the MVP but in my opinion the user needs to be able to comment by email and in the browser (e.g. GitLab interface) in some way (and also see the issue thread). Otherwise it's just a "new" way to create issues by writing an email (and you can already do this right now if you have an account and access to the project). Since this is for EE Premium, I would be willing to buy EE Premium (e.g. through the announced silver package) just for a solid Service Desk in GitLab. Currently, I have to pay for Zendesk / JIRA Service Desk just to have this functionality, anyway.
@mrksbnch thanks for your comment. I agree that this is a very basic approach - but that's exactly the goal. Ship something as fast as we can, then iterate upon it. If we aim too high for the first iteration, we'll never ship it in time. We've done this for all the features in GitLab that were primitive at first, and we've made them powerful over time. We'll keep doing that. We think it's the right way of shipping softwares.
I've talked with Marin about this feature. It appears that the current solution we use to process incoming emails ( has a lot of technical debts attached to it and infra/packaging teams would like us to reconsider changing it for something else.
An idea: I think we can hide the further information(the support user and email address) if the Service Desk is unchecked. It would make the project settings page look clean and reduce the unnecessary information when people don't activate Service Desk.
@regisF you mean omnibus-gitlab#1363 (closed)? I wasn't really aware of this, but I agree that we should fix this before encouraging more incoming mail.
Oh wait, maybe it's not a strict blocker. But I think it's safer to do omnibus-gitlab#1363 (closed) first, if nothing else. @marin does that make sense to you?
@smcgivern if we do Service Desk, we'll put much more pressure on the incoming email support, right? We need to make sure that what we currently use will work with a much bigger (potential) volume. So now we need to make sure that it's a non strict blocker.
I'd really love to get the GitLab support team (@gl-support) involved in the feedback cycle for this feature, as it develops. I'm sure we can provide some valuable feedback
@regisF@JobV : I assume that many companies who need a support solution would just choose a product like ZenDesk. So our initial target market is companies that are already using GitLab? And so we can pitch this to them as an integrated solution into GitLab issues and projects? I assume this is a similar strategy taken by JIRA SD? Is this the general direction / thought?
So perhaps the initial use cases can be more focused on nailing the integrations into GitLab itself.
@MrChrisW in order to provide valuable feedback, we would ideally need to use it or at least plan to use it. Would it be sane to target a subset of requests, like users and try to move them to this?
I can't imagine living without our current web form and the information it gives us.
Could we start by building a web-form first that sends all requests to ZenDesk and then we have the power to route them here?
I could see immediate value to the customer if they did not have to fill their username or email address into the form because if they are signed in we already have it.
Does it make sense to build in an email option in the comment thread itself? As part of first MVP? Support staff would comment in the issue. But next to each comment you can click a button to fire off an email response to the customer. So support rep has more control, but not have to re-invent everything.
@smcgivern Is email sending in GitLab stateful? Would we be able to know which emails were sent (attempted to be sent)?
So our initial target market is companies that are already using GitLab? And so we can pitch this to them as an integrated solution into GitLab issues and projects?
@victorwu this is the general direction and this is why, I think, JIRA SD got so popular (the integrated experience).
@dewetblomerus the goal is not to let them sign in at all to the instance, because we don't want to count them as a new seat. Can you provide details about what the form currently asks for?
Does it make sense to build in an email option in the comment thread itself? As part of first MVP? Support staff would comment in the issue. But next to each comment you can click a button to fire off an email response to the customer. So support rep has more control, but not have to re-invent everything.
@smcgivern Is email sending in GitLab stateful? Would we be able to know which emails were sent (attempted to be sent)?
We do store sent notifications in the DB for some types of email, yes, which includes notes (this is so that you can unsubscribe). This is per-noteable (issue, MR, etc.) though, not per-note; and I don't think that they actually guarantee the mail was sent.
Yes @smcgivern . I'm leaning toward tying an outgoing email to every comment by a support user (as per the MVP).
My thought is that a very natural next feature is that you can control some comments to be sent to the external user, and some not. This way support users can chat with each other in the comment thread, and when they are ready, write one final comment and email it back to the external user. This breaks the original design a bit where you welcome the external user to view the entire thread in a web browser by clicking on a link. But I'm more thinking of a ZD scenario where the thread is private to support users. I'd figure doing something like this wouldn't be a lot of extra technical work, especially if some of the email/notifications is already in place?
gitlab-ce#23436 does sound familiar to this in that not all comments are created equal.
@victorwu FYI, Zendesk has private comments to achieve this. You can make a whole thread private but I think this is not what the support team uses most of the time.
@victorwu I still don't really like gitlab-ce#23436, but it does sound like the most obvious way to make the use-case work.
So you would never set a comment to be specifically emailed, and all public comments would be emailed as normal, but you'd have the ability to add a hidden comment that is neither emailed to people who have insufficient permissions nor visible in the web UI for those people.
@victorwu now that I think about this, if we had a button to trigger the email to be sent, this will be a new kind of interaction in GitLab. And possibly error-prone: support agent would have thought to send the comment to the requester (because a comment was entered), but he could forget to actually press the Send button. My 2 cents.
@smcgivern Yep I can see how that can get confusing. And it's getting messy with essentially these "external users". Let's stick to what Regis and you have already laid out.
Why are using a dedicated "support user" instead of the default system admin to create issues automatically? Is it because the user who creates the issues would get a lot of notifications, so we want a separate support user?
We are using the support user's private issue creation email right, something like right? So in practice, I suppose an organization would create something like and configure to be forwarded it to So would it be possible to do that all in GitLab directly? Ideally we never want to expose at all to anybody. Should this be within or after this MVP?
We would do some reply-to magic to make sure the customer's email thread just works right? Given the above messiness?
Why are using a dedicated "support user" instead of the default system admin to create issues automatically? Is it because the user who creates the issues would get a lot of notifications, so we want a separate support user?
Yes, and because the email address gives someone the right to impersonate that user, in a sense.
We are using the support user's private issue creation email right, something like right? So in practice, I suppose an organization would create something like and configure to be forwarded it to So would it be possible to do that all in GitLab directly? Ideally we never want to expose at all to anybody. Should this be within or after this MVP?
I think this should be after the MVP. We could have a address for that case.
We would do some reply-to magic to make sure the customer's email thread just works right? Given the above messiness?
Ah, good point. In the MVP, the customer will have access to the email tokens of the 'support user' for the purposes of replying as well, and we'll send the emails to them as if they were that user.
At the very least it deserves its dedicated feature page. Let me know when the feature will be planned so we can start designing a page on www-gitlab-com.
Thanks @regisF : Tentatively 9.1 will be for the scope you released here. But do you think that's worth mentioning on www-gitlab for 9.1? Since we probably it won't be powerful enough to advertise it as "Service Desk" feature? Maybe 9.2 or 9.3 for an official "launch" of "Service Desk", and in the interim releases we release features that contribute to it.
@victorwu hum. Good point. I'm torn because if we put some marketing effort on our first version, we might potentially have more real feedback - even if the feature is basic. But does this basic version deserve a feature page on v1? "Maybe" - depending on what we can ship for 9.1. Let's keep the discussion open.
@awhildy@hazelyang : Can you review the latest updated specs for this issue, which we are doing in 9.0. Let me know if you see any problems, edge cases.
Can you look at what I updated here for the settings screen? I think it's better. Let me know your thoughts.
I like "Activate Service Desk" because this is a per project setting, and the project itself can probably used as normal. Some users/orgs may choose to use this project as a standalone service desk. Some may not. I want to emphasize external email support, because the feature set is limited right now.
The robot user and the private email address are gory details that I don't like, and we should get rid of soon (as stretch goals) or future features. In the mean time, let's help the system admin and be specific. What is the correct wording? I want to emphasize robot user versus regular human user. Also, adding a link there is a nice touch because they probably want to create a new dedicated user account.
That ugly email address is system generated. We should emphasize to the system admin not to advertise it or share it with external users. We should emphasize that they should redirect / forward to it. Is that the right wording?
It asks for details around the customer's request, like which version of GitLab they are using, and then we then see that information on the ticket or sort tickets based on it.
In order for it to be as useful as what we have now, the form fields would need to be admin-configurable by someone on our team as we change it from time to time.
##### Activate service desk (?)
Select a user to be the automated support account. This should not be a user account for any person on your team.
Add user
Forward external support email address to:
I don't like using robot and human.
Do we really have to say 'External email support' in the header? I think it is clear from the feature name, plus there is a (?) to learn more.
@jneen : Start looking at the technical work. See if there are any more edge cases that need to be considered. Begin work. Coordinate with FE for help.
@hazelyang : Can you review the updated requirements. With this feature, we will hide the complexity of creating support user from the system admin. Everything happens in the background. Also, we should have a warning message for spam. Can you update the mockups to reflect that please.
@jschatz1 : Could we have someone on the FE team to work with @jneen on the frontend side. Thanks!
FWIW the splash page that @dewetblomerus referred to "lives" in Zendesk. We can readily make one ourselves and use the Zendesk API to do what we need... but for now we're using the functionality that we're paying extra for in Zendesk.
I want to clarify, because the copy is important here:
The warning is not that email might be marked as spam, it's that you might have an unlimited number of issues opened by who knows who with no ratelimiting.
Given that, I believe that a much stronger warning is necessary - perhaps a popup that makes you say "[x] I have a spam-filtering service in front of this email address"
Given that, I believe that a much stronger warning is necessary - perhaps a popup that makes you say "[x] I have a spam-filtering service in front of this email address"
A popup probably makes people feel a little bit intrusive. Perhaps the text color is changed to be orange would be better. (Need help to modify the copy... )
@hazelyang : We don't need the whole section on choosing the support account. Since everything is automated, GitLab will do it in the background. @jneen will just manage that in the code automatically. And so the user just checks the box, and they see the ugly email address, with the instructions, and the warning.
For the message, how about something like this:
We strongly recommend you protect the external support email address. Email spam would result in many spam issues being created inside GitLab.
@awhildy@axil : Could you give us some quick feedback on the technical language here that will be read by sys admins.
(new feature) The issue body contains the name+email address of the sender — @regisF
Are we still going to add this? I didn't see in the issue description.
Also, could we automatically create a user account for the support bot when activating the service desk feature instead of having to select a manually created user to be the automated support account? Or is this manual selection for the first iteration only?
Also, I'm not sure about the UX of the randomly-generated email address. Regenerating means that all the user's customers have to update the addresses on their end, and failing to do so will make their comments be blackholed.
@jneen : The ugly email address is generated by GitLab. The sys admin creates another real customer facing address to share with customers. and it's forwarded over. and nothing should be re-generated. the ugly address should be static.
So the sys admin just copies that ugly email address and pastes it into their email config tool.
We don't need the Select a user to be the automated support account. This should not be a user account for any person on your team. text any more, or the dropdown for GitLab Support name. Thanks @hazelyang!
With those removed, we only have the checkbox + header, grey box for forward email, and the warning. This simplification will make the warning message stand out more.
I'd rather have a clear, strong, persistent inline message. A popup isn't the right pattern for a message of this sort - it makes sense when you click a big red button that says 'Delete project', but in this case, the orange text with the strong message is clear and obvious.
@victorwu - Could we make the DoS concern more clear in the warning text? Something like: We strongly recommend you protect the external support email address. Email spam would result in many spam issues being created, and could disrupt your GitLab service.
@MrChrisW@lbot : I would like to try the simplest version of service desk (as scoped out here) with GitLab support if at all possible. I would like it to be as real as possible though, namely that we have a support email address,, and we somehow expose it to certain people, and that it is a channel all on it's own. And maybe we can monitor it closely. And we turn it off once we see enough problems or have learned enough, in order to minimize disruption in your day to day work, And so that group of support tickets would just be totally different.
Do you think that's feasible and makes sense from an operational perspective? We could just simply update this page ( to include that extra support channel. Not sure how much extra work is involved in configuring a new email address is though.
@victorwu it is easy to provision a new email address, check out the GitLab Email Forwarding document. It'll be harder to run this in parallel with Zendesk without having one or multiple people be less efficient than usual, and without losing ticket history if we decide to switch off the experiment at some point.
Thanks @ernstvn . That makes sense. Could we just run the experiment for like 20 tickets or even just 10? If we put that email address up on the website, could you estimate how many tickets would come through there? So maybe once the support folks see 10 issues have been created, then we stop the experiment. And perhaps for record keeping later on, these could be manually copied to ZenDesk after the support issue is closed?
Support still receive tickets for via the Support form and Zendesk though right? I figured it would be a good way to dogfood the first iteration without posing an impact on customer support.
@JobV can we try something like incoming+gitlab-org/ as the default url for with being the url you set for incoming email. The random string is for authentication, not for spam prevention. Spam prevention has to happen before the email hits GitLab for now. The email address needs to be memorable. It should work be easy to use, easy to remember, and work without setting up forwarding.
The random URL is assuming we are re-using the email issue to project functionality as a technical implementation, at least as a first iteration, and then the sys admin would have to forward support emails to that random address.
In future iterations we would hide that complexity inside GitLab itself so that the sys admin can just pick that default url. (And probably solve the spam problem within that same feature.)
@jneen : Am I missing anything beyond what we discussed earlier?
@jneen : I added a stretch goal per the above discussion. I.e. the sys admin gets a friendly default email address and so doesn't need to do any forwarding outside of GitLab. GitLab handles everything under the hood.
It is important to note that per RFC 5233 the plus (+) when used in the local-part of an e-mail address can be treated as sub-addressing, where "" and "" are the same e-mail address, but the mail system either tags (in the case with Google) or filters into a folder 'tag' (other common on-prim email services) the mail due to sub-addressing.
@jneen raised a good point with OOO auto replies that could cause a problem with infinite loops, if both the external user and an internal support gitlab user had it set up. The existing code should already be catching these and blocking them. But something to verify during testing. Also mentioned in description.
@jneen@smcgivern@hazelyang : I updated the description per further discussions. Please chat here if questions / concerns.
In particular, we want to protect against spoofing emails. So the idea is opting out of a support request:
Support user emails in.
Support user gets an automated response email, welcoming them.
Support user can click a link/button in the email saying to stop the thread. If they do so, this generates an email back to GitLab, so that the support staff can know to cancel the request (close the issue).
This helps with the scenario that a malicious person spoofs another person's email address.
@jneen found out that when creating issues, GitLab is already doing some spam filtering. So we agreed to reduce the tone of the warning message (but still have a warning message). Mockup in description updated with that toned down message.
Behind the scenes, GitLab manages a special support-robot user to do issue creation / comment adding.
This user (username, email, and avatar) shows up in the GitLab UI.
That support-robot username is defaulted to support-bot and email is defaulted to
The system will automatically change that username and email if it's already taken.
That support-robot account cannot be used by a human to log into GitLab.
That support-robot has an avatar.
@hazelyang : Can you provide an avatar for the support-robot user? I think the main use here is that it is obvious to human users that this account is a robot, but also, it is generating these comments on behalf of the external customer. So not sure how to best communicate that in the avatar.
@awhildy : Do you have a better idea for the username/email of the support-robot user? Again, it should communicate that it "represents" the external customer, but that it is also a . That seems hard.
@victorwu It would make sense to 'auto-create' an account for someone who replies via email to a ticket - even if that account has a special/new status so it doesn't take up a license unless it's later claimed or unlocked. This is what Zendesk does. The advantage is that in the future, the user can come claim their account, or sign in to their already existing account, and view and interact with their tickets. If we post updates as a bot user, this will not be possible now, or in the future.
@dblessing : That's a great idea as we build out SD in the future to support more "state" of customers, and recognizing them, even though there are not fully registered / have an account with us. Not something we can build out now. But I do like that idea!
@victorwu sorry for the delay in response here. I mis-understood todos and wasn't getting alerted.
I would like to try the simplest version of service desk (as scoped out here) with GitLab support if at all possible. I would like it to be as real as possible though, namely that we have a support email address,, and we somehow expose it to certain people, and that it is a channel all on it's own.
@victorwu I don’t think we’ll be able to route into this test unless we also forward everything to Zendesk as well, which sounds like a mess.
We could just simply update this page ( to include that extra support channel. Not sure how much extra work is involved in configuring a new email address is though.
@victorwu, I think the best channel to pipe in would probably support. It’s a non-trivial amount of tickets and they are “low priority” for Support as we have to prioritize paying customers.
Could we just run the experiment for like 20 tickets or even just 10? If we put that email address up on the website, could you estimate how many tickets would come through there? So maybe once the support folks see 10 issues have been created, then we stop the experiment. And perhaps for record keeping later on, these could be manually copied to ZenDesk after the support issue is closed?
If your sample size is 10, it probably makes more sense to just replay closed tickets into this system. Randomly select 15-20 tickets that have been solved and see if they have anything unique about them (internal comments, etc). Doing a “quick” firehose squirt seems like more trouble than it’s worth.
Would it make sense to trial on the Support Tracker? It's already located on and not in Zendesk.
@markglenfletcher Sure, these could get piped in too, somehow, but I think the benefit of those being public is it lets people +1 issues and add to existing issues and get things on our radar faster. It's a common problem in a “support silo” were an agent has to connect the dots, not the submitter.
@victorwu - I'm also not coming up with anything better than support-bot currently either, so let's go with that. I didn't like describing things as 'robot' and 'human' in our description -- saying automated, etc. seemed clearer to the intent, and just a better description of what we meant. But when it comes down to what makes sense for the name, having bot in it seems fine.
@victorwu I was just wondering. If someone had access to this user, they could already read all support tickets for a project - this just extends that to the instance level. As you can't log in as this user, though, it should be fine.
@victorwu sorry, late to the party. About the message to the admins, I'd go with something like:
Make sure to protect the external support email address with a tool likeSpamAssassin. Email spam would result in many issues being created, andcould disrupt your GitLab service.
Mention of the most known tool to fight email spam
Replace "we recommend" with "make sure" to make it sound like a needed action, otherwise there will be consequences.
@victorwu I'm not sure if this is the right issue to raise this, but I know with this feature we spoke about handling out-of-office replies. It seems like there is an email header (TIL) that may be helpful there:
@victorwu I don't know the rationale behind “Customer Voice”, but “Service Desk” sounds much clearer to me. “Customer Voice” sounded a bit too marketing-speak and unnecessary. So I appreciate this change
@ganomi : The feature will be available on for the Silver Plan and Gold Plan only. We will be making this change likely in the next release in May. I apologize for the confusion. Once we make that change, it will no longer be available on on the Free Plan and the Bronze Plan.