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Draft: Selhorn another badge idea

Suzanne Selhorn requested to merge selhorn-another-badge-idea into main

Another idea. Combine the version history notes and tier info.

Use this markdown for the example:

**Offering:** SaaS, self-managed
<br>**Tier:** [Ultimate](
<br>**Status:** [Beta](
<br>- [Introduced]( in GitLab 14.2 for groups created after August 12, 2021.
<br>- [Renamed]( from default delayed project deletion in GitLab 15.1.
<br>- [Enabled for projects in personal namespaces]( in GitLab 15.1.
<br>- [Disabled for projects in personal namespaces]( in GitLab 15.3.
<br>- [Removed option to delete immediately]( in GitLab 15.11 [with a flag](../ named `always_perform_delayed_deletion`. Disabled by default.
<br>- Enabled delayed deletion by default and removed the option to delete immediately [on]( and [on self-managed]( in GitLab 16.0.

And it renders like this.


Ideally we can make it collapsible, but not going to pursue that option right now. (Don't want to introduce more Ruby.)

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