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Suggest running make setup when compile fails

What does this MR do and why?

Follow up to: !3329 (merged), to provide guidance on the command line. This makes the guidance more accessible than looking up troubleshooting docs.

How to set up and validate locally

  1. Configure a local GitLab Docs environment:
  2. Check out branch from this MR.
  3. Remove Ruby 2.7.7: asdf uninstall ruby 2.7.7.
  4. Run make compile. Command fails and suggestion given.
  5. Run make setup. Ruby 2.7.7 is reinstalled.
  6. Run make compile. Command succeeds as normal.

Merge request acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Edited by Evan Read

Merge request reports