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Start using versioning for lint image

Marcel Amirault requested to merge start-versioning-lint-image into master

When we update markdownlint or Vale, there is a risk that it'll fail in older stable branches that have not been updated to match new functionality when we update the tools. This adds a CI variable to the docs:lint image building job, so the name will take the format of:

  • Before:
  • After:

Then in each project, we update the pipeline to use that specific version, fixing any failures at the same time. Any stable branches cut from master at that time, will continue to use that pipeline config, and therefore that specific lint version. This should be a safer approach.

The next time we update the Vale/markdownlint version, we'll just have to update the CI variable before building the image.

It also adds variables (arguments) for the tool versions, that are passed to the dockerfile with build arguments, so we can define all the versions in the CI file without needing to edit the dockerfile.

Edited by Achilleas Pipinellis

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