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Add config property for the Minio console port

David Fernandez requested to merge 10io-minio-console-port into main

🏰 Context

In gitlab!92585 (merged), we bumped the version of Minio when it is managed by asdf in GDK.

After that MR, the combined version list was updated in !2687 (merged).

Newer versions of Minio provides a really useful tool: Minio console. This web dashboard has interesting features such as tracing to monitor the activity on S3 like API endpoints (as demonstrated here).

Now, the issue is that the console is started on a random port. To get it, we need to display the startup messages. For that, we can use gdk tail minio.

With this MR, we try to ease things by using a fixed console port. We will not just use a fixed console port. This MR also updates the object_storage configuration by adding a new key console_port that users can set to set the console port to whatever number they want.

🤔 What does this Merge Request do and why?

  • Update the Procfile to provide a console-address parameter to minio executable.
  • Add a console_port configuration key to object_storage.
  • Update the related documentation.

How to validate this locally?

  1. Check this MR's branch.
  2. Enable object storage.
  3. $ gdk reconfigure.
  4. $ gdk start minio && gdk tail minio.
  5. You should see:
    2022-07-19_11:33:48.77710 minio                 : API: 
    2022-07-19_11:33:48.77718 minio                 : Console: 

With a custom port now:

  1. Update the gdk.yml to have console_port: 9999 under the object_storage key.
  2. $ gdk reconfigure.
  3. $ gdk start minio && gdk tail minio.
  4. You should see:
    2022-07-19_11:37:42.01285 minio                 : API: 
    2022-07-19_11:37:42.01286 minio                 : Console: 

🚥 Merge Request checklist

  • This change is backward compatible. If not, please include steps to communicate to our users.
  • Tests added for new functionality. If not, please raise Issue to follow-up.
  • Documentation added/updated, if needed.
  • gdk doctor test added, if needed.
  • Add the ~highlight label if this MR should be included in the
Edited by David Fernandez

Merge request reports