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Update doc/ Arch Linux has runit only in AUR

What does this Merge Request do?

Update doc/ for Arch Linux with instructions to install runit.

The command to install required packages fails with error: target not found: runit. The Arch Linux core repository does no longer contain the required runit package.

$ pacman -S postgresql redis postgresql-libs icu npm ed cmake openssh git git-lfs go re2 \
  unzip graphicsmagick runit perl-image-exiftool rsync yarn minio sqlite
error: target not found: runit

The Arch User Repository (AUR) contains runit and runit-systemd. runit cannot be installed as it has an outdated/unresolvable dependency on util-linux-ng which has been renamed to util-linux. It is required to install runit-systemd. Arch Linux' pacman cannot install packages from AUR. It is required to download the package files from AUR and build a package with makepkg, or to use a AUR wrapper like pacaur or pikaur. Arch Linux wiki page AUR helpers lists suitable AUR wrappers / package managers.

The updated command to install the required packages on Arch Linux may look like

pacman -S postgresql redis postgresql-libs icu npm ed cmake openssh git git-lfs go re2 \
          unzip graphicsmagick perl-image-exiftool rsync yarn minio sqlite
pikaur -S runit-systemd

Merge Request checklist

  • Tests added for new functionality. If not, please raise Issue to follow-up.
  • This change is backward compatible. If not, please include steps to communicate to our users.
  • Documentation added/updated, if needed.
  • gdk doctor test added, if needed.

Closes #759 (closed)

Merge request reports