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Headers for ruby gems, node packages, etc

Ash McKenzie requested to merge ashmckenzie/additional-headers into master

During the recent bump to use Ruby 2.6.5, I observed a long wait after the

Updating gitaly to v1.78.0..

section but wasn't sure what was happening. Turns out it was installing Ruby gems and Node packages etc, so this MR adds some headers to make it obvious what's happening. It now looks like:

-- snip --

Updating gitaly to v1.78.0..
HEAD is now at 8079c7d1 Version 1.78.0

Installing Ruby gems..

Installing Node packages..
warning Resolution field "ts-jest@24.0.0" is incompatible with requested version "ts-jest@^23.10.5"
Updated 0 paths from the index

Running Rails DB migrations..

-- snip --
Edited by Ash McKenzie

Merge request reports