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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.

Other labels

  • rails5
    Issues and Merge Requests related to upgrading to Rails 5
  • rails5.1
    Issues and Merge Requests related to upgrading to Rails 5.1
  • rails5.2
    Issues and Merge Requests related to upgrading to Rails 5.2
  • rails6
    Issues and Merge Requests related to upgrading to Rails 6
  • rails6.1
    Issues and Merge Requests related to upgrading to Rails 6.1
  • rake tasks
    Relate to GitLab's rake tasks
  • rapid action
    Label used for tagging items related to a rapid action response (
  • Label used for items related to the Pipeline Abuse Rapid Action
  • Label used for items related to the Shift DB load from Primary to Replicas Rapid Action &5434
  • rd-workflowdone
    Remote Development issues which have already been closed in previous iterations
  • rd-workflowignore
    Remote Development issues that are being ignored from the current rd-workflow process and automation.
  • Remote Development issues which HAVE been prioritized into the current iteration or a future iteration.
  • Remote Development issues which have NOT yet been prioritized into the current iteration or a future iteration.
  • reactive triage
    Label used to distinguish issues that relates to reactive triage (in contrast with scheduled triage).
  • ready for merge
    Merge requests which have been reviewed and can be merged by a maintainer with sufficient knowledge in the given area. For merging the merge request just assign to yourself and remove this label.
  • Issues that are ready for the next round refinement in Manage:Import
  • real-time
    Concerns real-time updates of web views and components across the application