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Add Scala/SBT template

Jasper Denkers requested to merge jasperdenkers/gitlab-ci-yml:patch-1 into master


SBT: (the tool for building Scala projects)

It is pretty common to build Scala projects with SBT and vice versa and therefore I named the template Scala.gitlab-ci.yml rather than SBT.gitlab-ci.yml.

Setup: The java:8 image is used because Scala runs on the JVM. The file makes sure SBT is installed (and the version of SBT that is installed is logged) and with sbt test the project is built and tested.

The scala-sbt example project uses a similar definition. A succeeding build here: That project also does test coverage measuring. However, this requires an SBT plugin defined in the project. To keep this template simple, I left out the test coverage part.

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