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POC for Make diffs requests and rendering smarter (and faster) for commit page

What does this MR do?

Builds a Proof of Concept for rendering the commit page faster. The purpose of this MR is to gather an idea of the technical challenges would imply (not to get it merged before feature freeze).

Performance implications of the Commit page

Currently loading the information from Commit object through diffs and diff_files is typically a fast operation:

Commit Time to execute commit.diffs Time to execute commit.diffs.diff_files
gitlab-runner@b8b3287e 0.000075 3.300508 0.000033 2.656836  0.000031 3.556449

Meanwhile, loading the HTML it takes quite a bit more:

 Page  Time to load
gitlab-runner@b8b3287e Completed 200 OK in 12167ms (Views: 12120.1ms - ActiveRecord: 8.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 10991ms (Views: 10936.1ms - ActiveRecord: 10.5ms)  Completed 200 OK in 14829ms (Views: 14750.7ms - ActiveRecord: 12.2ms)

Also mentioned here

Proposal for the 1st iteration:

  • Limit the initial HTML load to N files. This MR uses 200 files as the initial load.
  • If the commit has more than the limits, then request a new batch of files:
    • A new batch of N files (25 files on this demo) is requested when the user scrolls to the bottom of the page.
      • This is just for experimentation purposes, we need UX guidance for this interaction.
    • The new batch of files is appended at the bottom of the page
    • Logic is the same until there are no more batches to load.
  • Hide this logic behind a Feature Flag, so we can easily revert the behavior if necessary.


It's using this commit gitlab-runner@b8b3287e



  • This proposal is scoped to the commit show page. It does not include changes to Merge Requests diffs.
  • On the demo, we used a large number (200) and a smaller number (25) as the sizes for the first and the upcoming batches. We tried a different approach by using the same size for all the batches, but even though it speeds up the initial load, it slowed down the rendering of the upcoming batches. (See details on
  • Files render in batches are being expanded by default. We're not doing this on the initial batch for performance reasons (as we're rendering 200 files and expanding all of them will be slow)


Average time of loading the commit show page

 Page  Time to load on master Time to load on this branch
gitlab-runner@b8b3287e 12_167ms 6_598ms 10_991ms  8_088ms  14_829msms  7_342ms

Average time of loading batch responses

 Page  Avg time to render the batch
gitlab-runner@b8b3287e Completed 200 OK in 2986ms (Views: 133.1ms - ActiveRecord: 7.9ms) Completed 200 OK in 2170ms (Views: 8.0ms - ActiveRecord: 3.9ms  Completed 200 OK in 3250ms (Views: 158.8ms - ActiveRecord: 6.1ms)

What we need for 1st iteration:

  • UX - Design the interaction of loading upcoming batches:
    • Whether load a new batch when the user scrolls to the bottom or
    • Loading sequentially in the background or,
    • Any other interaction
  • frontend To help with the requests
  • backend There are still some pending discussions:

Future Iterations

  1. Move the batch logic to an API and replace HTML files with Vue components.
Edited by Mayra Cabrera

Merge request reports