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post merge pipeline and environments status

Alessio Caiazza requested to merge ac-post-merge-pipeline into master

What does this MR do?

EE port: gitlab-org/gitlab-ee!8104

This MR to expose post-merge pipeline and environments status information for the MR widget.

It implements what's described in


  1. GET :namespace/merge_requests/:id/ci_environments_status now supports an optional target parameters
    • when environment_target=merge_commit it returns the environments created by the merge commit
  2. MergeRequest#merge_pipiline has been introduced, it returns the post merge Ci::Pipeline
  3. GET :namespace/merge_requests/:id?serializer=widget now exposes also the merge_pipeline


  1. Renders post merge pipeline and deploys
  2. Only polls when merge request is in the merged state
  3. Updates deployment component to render different statuses.

Heads up in the screenshots: ignore the pipeline failed status, I was using mocked data.

running success failed
Screen_Shot_2018-10-24_at_16.19.29 Screen_Shot_2018-10-24_at_16.19.52 Screen_Shot_2018-10-24_at_16.20.24 Screen_Shot_2018-10-24_at_16.20.19

What are the relevant issue numbers?

Closes #47799 (closed) #32736 (closed)

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?

Edited by Toon Claes

Merge request reports