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Add a button on the project page to set up a Kubernetes cluster and enable Auto DevOps

What does this MR do?


  • Move project stat buttons to their own second row
  • Add a button on the project page to set up a Kubernetes cluster and enable Auto DevOps
  • Update language on an empty project
. Before After
With repo

Are there points in the code the reviewer needs to double check?

Part of 10.6 GKE priority issues,

How to test


  • New empty project
  • A project with a few files in it
  • Visit gitlab-org/gitlab-ce which has a bunch of special files in it like README.MD, LICENSE, etc

When you enable Auto DevOps via project settings -> CI/CD -> General pipelines settings -> Auto DevOps, the "Enable AutoDevOps" button will change to s "Auto DevOps enabled" anchor.

When you add a Kubernetes cluster(see these instructions), the "Add Kubernetes cluster" button will change to a "Kubernetes cluster" (pluralized on EE) anchor.

When you visit those same projects as a normal user, the "Add Kubernetes cluster" button is not visible. "Auto DevOps enabled" anchor is shown when Auto DevOps enabled for a normal user.

Why was this MR needed?

Part of the GKE integration plan for 10.6

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?

What are the relevant issue numbers?

Closes #42431 (closed)

Edited by Eric Eastwood

Merge request reports