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Change signature of hook RPCs

John Cai requested to merge jc-change-hooks into master

client/std_stream.go has some nice methods that we can use with the hook rpcs. For instance, the interface

type stdoutStderrResponse interface {
	GetExitStatus() *gitalypb.ExitStatus
	GetStderr() []byte
	GetStdout() []byte

Is essentially what the hook responses are. Except in the hook responses we use a success boolean instead of the exit status.

In order to use these RPCs with the client/std_stream.go methods, the success field needs to change to exit_status. That way, we can use the existing logic of to stream back stdout and stderr.

This is the first step. In another MR, we will export stdoutStderrResponse and streamHandler so we can call them from the gitaly-hooks package.

Since nothing is calling these RPCs yet, we can safely change the contract.

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