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  • Patrick Steinhardt's avatar
    git: Always check fetched objects for consistency · 692a0d34
    Patrick Steinhardt authored
    Similar to the previous commit, enable object verification when fetching
    objects. This covers usecases where Gitaly is fetching objects into
    mirrors or updates object pools and stops corrupt or malign objects from
    being accepted into repositories.
    If mirroring a repository, then we'd now break if the remote repository
    has corrupt objects, and similar for object pools and their primary
    member. While this could be seen as a bug, git-fsck(1) nowadays also
    includes checks to detect malign objects which are known to allow for
    adverse behaviour. It is thus an important safety guard to protect
    against an adversary sneaking in corrupt objects into mirrors via their
    remote or into repository forks via the object pool. In case this is
    causing problems, the route to go would thus be to ignore some of the
    benign fsck checks like we already do for bad timezone checks.
    Changelog: security