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  • Paul Okstad's avatar
    Log all diskcache state with gRPC metadata · aa6b860f
    Paul Okstad authored and Jacob Vosmaer's avatar Jacob Vosmaer committed
    This adds an additional log message that will improve visibility of
    whether the diskcache is serving stale data or not. The "freshness" of
    the cache is determined by the repo's cache state file. The contents of
    this file will now be logged whenever it is updated.
    Additionally, the path of the cached response on disk will be logged
    each time the diskcache is used. This can be used to help determine if
    stale data is being served after the cache is expected to be invalid.
    Each time the state file changes, we expect a new request file path.
    Log all diskcache state with gRPC metadata
    Paul Okstad authored and Jacob Vosmaer's avatar Jacob Vosmaer committed
    This adds an additional log message that will improve visibility of
    whether the diskcache is serving stale data or not. The "freshness" of
    the cache is determined by the repo's cache state file. The contents of
    this file will now be logged whenever it is updated.
    Additionally, the path of the cached response on disk will be logged
    each time the diskcache is used. This can be used to help determine if
    stale data is being served after the cache is expected to be invalid.
    Each time the state file changes, we expect a new request file path.