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  • Sami Hiltunen's avatar
    Take a context into GetStorageName · 91c19501
    Sami Hiltunen authored
    Transactions currently rely on rewriting the relative path of a
    repository to implement snapshot isolation. This has the downside
    that the relative paths get a prefix such as '+gitaly/staging/xx/yy/...'.
    For large parts of the application this is not a problem the handlers
    are generally just accessing a repository at a given path. This is a
    leaky abstraction though as the prefix is not part of the relative path
    and it is visible to the handlers. This has an impact on code that
    operates directly on the relative path in some manner. This could be
    for example logging, using the relative path as a key, or operating
    directly on file paths.
    The rewriting could be implemented transparently if we instead
    rewrite the storage directory's root path as seen by the transaction.
    Storage directory's path doesn't have a meaning unlike the relative
    path which is used to identify a repository.
    This commit takes the first step towards that by wiring context into
    GetStorageName of Locator. The injected context allows us to later
    plug transaction scoped logic into Locator that returns the rewritten
    storage root of a transaction when attempting to access a given storage.
    This way we can wire the indirection through the entire application
    without having to touch each site generating storage paths separately.
    The commit is large as we access locator to generate storage paths
    in many places, and we have to drill the context down into each of
    them. The commit simply wires the context through all call sites into