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  • Sami Hiltunen's avatar
    Simplify checking whether packing is needed · cf52e2b7
    Sami Hiltunen authored
    TransactionManager is currently looking into the quarantine directory
    explicitly to see if there are new objects. As we're now walking the
    new reference tips in the quarantine directory, we know whether we
    need to pack objects or not based on whether we get object IDs back
    from the walk. Let's thus simplify and remove the additional check.
    As an optimization, we only launch `pack-objects` and `index-pack` if
    we receive an object to pack. This avoids launching the commands for
    transactions that don't need any new objects from the quarantine to
    be committed.
    As all missing objects are now noticed while verifying the object
    dependencies of the transaction, the returned error changes in one
    of the test cases. The error cause is still the same though.