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cat-file: add --batch-command remote-object-info command

Eric Ju requested to merge eric.p.ju/git:v5_20220502_calvinwan_google_com into master

Under some circumstances, it is useful to get information about an object without having to download it completely.

The server logic has already been implemented as "a2ba162cda (object-info: support for retrieving object info, 2021-04-20)".

This patch adds client functions to communicate with the server. Specifically, a new remote-object-ino command is added to git cat-file --batch-command.

Currently only size info can be retrieved. A example is like this

  • The client user starts command `git cat-file --batch-command"
  • The client user type in remote-object-info <remote> <a object SHA>
  • The object size is returned without downloading the object on the client

Closes #335

Sending to mailing list v1:

Edited by Eric Ju

Merge request reports