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  • Matthew DeVore's avatar
    list-objects-filter: implement filter tree:0 · bc5975d2
    Matthew DeVore authored and Junio C Hamano's avatar Junio C Hamano committed
    Teach list-objects the "tree:0" filter which allows for filtering
    out all tree and blob objects (unless other objects are explicitly
    specified by the user). The purpose of this patch is to allow smaller
    partial clones.
    The name of this filter - tree:0 - does not explicitly specify that
    it also filters out all blobs, but this should not cause much confusion
    because blobs are not at all useful without the trees that refer to
    I also considered only:commits as a name, but this is inaccurate because
    it suggests that annotated tags are omitted, but actually they are
    The name "tree:0" allows later filtering based on depth, i.e. "tree:1"
    would filter out all but the root tree and blobs. In order to avoid
    confusion between 0 and capital O, the documentation was worded in a
    somewhat round-about way that also hints at this future improvement to
    the feature.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarMatthew DeVore <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJunio C Hamano <>