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Updates to provision planning issue template

Courtney Meddaugh requested to merge courtmeddaugh-master-patch-b9d3 into master

This change makes several updates to the Provision Planning issue template.

  1. Updated "Team Time Off" engineer list
    1. Removed @vvempati & @mhamda given their transitions to other teams
    2. Added new hires @div.ya & @lwanko
    3. Moved @isandin to engineer list & added @rhardarson as EM given recent change
  2. Added additional context and link to documentation for Provision tracking system section
  3. Added additional context and link to documentation for Sentry monitoring section
  4. Added quick action to assign to appropriate planning issue epic
  5. Updated quick action for assignees to swap to @rhardarson instead of @isandin
  6. Other minor updates
Edited by Courtney Meddaugh

Merge request reports