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Labels 2,932

  • vue3-migration
    Issues and MRs, related towards supporting Vue.js 3 in our codebase
  • Issues and MRs related to migrating VueX applications to Apollo
  • Issues related to interacting with security vulnerabilities
  • For tracking VR advisory (gemnasium/adbcurate) related issues
  • For tracking analyzer related tickets and issues
  • For tracking VR benchmarking issues
  • For tracking VRs CVE / CNA related issues
  • For tracking VR related DAST tasks
  • For tracking VR knowledge based/research tasks
  • For tracking VET/CAST related tasks and information
  • web edit
    Issues related to working with files from the GitLab web interface:
  • webide-workflowdone
    Web IDE issues which have already been closed in previous iterations
  • Web IDE issues that are being ignored from the current webide-workflow process and automation.
  • Web IDE issues which HAVE been prioritized into the current iteration or a future iteration.
  • Web IDE issues which have NOT yet been prioritized into the current iteration or a future iteration.
  • webpack
    Issues related to webpack, webpack-dev-server, frontend dependencies, code splitting, babel, and other loaders.
  • websockets
    WebSockets is an advanced technology that makes it possible to open an interactive communication session between the user's browser and a server. Use this label for any issue that will use WebSockets in the future once GitLab makes them available.