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chore: update stylelint to 13.9.0

Vitaly Slobodin requested to merge vs-update-stylelint into master

Update stylelint to support new rules and bug fixes.



  • Added: TAP formatter (#5062).
  • Fixed: incorrect exit code when using --report options (#5079).
  • Fixed: color-hex-case false negatives for css-in-js object notation (#5101).
  • Fixed: color-hex-length false negatives for css-in-js object notation (#5106).
  • Fixed: selector-attribute-name-disallowed-list false positives for valueless attribute selectors (#5060).


  • Deprecated: StylelintStandaloneReturnValue.reportedDisables, .descriptionlessDisables, .needlessDisables, and .invalidScopeDisables. .reportedDisables will always be empty and the other properties will always be undefined, since these errors now show up in .results instead (#4973).
  • Added: disable comments that are reported as errors for various reasons are now reported as standard lint errors rather than a separate class of errors that must be handled specially (#4973).
  • Added: comment-pattern rule (#4962).
  • Added: selector-attribute-name-disallowed-list rule (#4992).
  • Added: ignoreAtRules[] to property-no-unknown (#4965).
  • Fixed: *-notation false negatives for dollar variables (#5031).
  • Fixed: *-pattern missing configured pattern in violation messages (#4975).


  • Fixed: regression for disable commands and adjacent double-slash comments (#4950).
  • Fixed: use of full file path without converting it to glob (#4931).


  • Fixed: double-slash disable comments when followed by another comment (#4913).


  • Deprecated: *-blacklist, *-requirelist and *-whitelist rules in favour of the new *-disallowed-list, *-required-list and *-allowed-list ones (#4845):
    • at-rule-blacklist. Use at-rule-disallowed-list instead.
    • at-rule-property-requirelist. Use at-rule-property-required-list instead.
    • at-rule-whitelist. Use at-rule-allowed-list instead.
    • comment-word-blacklist. Use comment-word-disallowed-list instead.
    • declaration-property-unit-blacklist. Use declaration-property-unit-disallowed-list instead.
    • declaration-property-unit-whitelist. Use declaration-property-unit-allowed-list instead.
    • declaration-property-value-blacklist. Use declaration-property-value-disallowed-list instead.
    • declaration-property-value-whitelist. Use declaration-property-value-allowed-list instead.
    • function-blacklist. Use function-disallowed-list instead.
    • function-url-scheme-blacklist. Use function-url-scheme-disallowed-list instead.
    • function-url-scheme-whitelist. Use function-url-scheme-allowed-list instead.
    • function-whitelist. Use function-allowed-list instead.
    • media-feature-name-blacklist. Use media-feature-name-disallowed-list instead.
    • media-feature-name-value-whitelist. Use media-feature-name-value-allowed-list instead.
    • media-feature-name-whitelist. Use media-feature-name-allowed-list instead.
    • property-blacklist. Use property-disallowed-list instead.
    • property-whitelist. Use property-allowed-list instead.
    • selector-attribute-operator-blacklist. Use selector-attribute-operator-disallowed-list instead.
    • selector-attribute-operator-whitelist. Use selector-attribute-operator-allowed-list instead.
    • selector-combinator-blacklist. Use selector-combinator-disallowed-list instead.
    • selector-combinator-whitelist. Use selector-combinator-allowed-list instead.
    • selector-pseudo-class-blacklist. Use selector-pseudo-class-disallowed-list instead.
    • selector-pseudo-class-whitelist. Use selector-pseudo-class-allowed-list instead.
    • selector-pseudo-element-blacklist. Use selector-pseudo-element-disallowed-list instead.
    • selector-pseudo-element-whitelist. Use selector-pseudo-element-allowed-list instead.
    • unit-blacklist. Use unit-disallowed-list instead.
    • unit-whitelist. Use unit-allowed-list instead.
  • Added: syntax object acceptance to customSyntax option (#4839).
  • Added: support for *.cjs config files (#4905).
  • Added: support for descriptions in stylelint command comments (#4848).
  • Added: reportDescriptionlessDisables flag (#4907).
  • Added: reportDisables secondary option (#4897).
  • Added: *-no-vendor-prefix autofix (#4859).
  • Added: ignoreComments[] to comment-empty-line-before (#4841).
  • Added: ignoreContextFunctionalPseudoClasses to selector-max-id (#4835).
  • Fixed: inconsistent trailing newlines in CLI error output (#4876).
  • Fixed: support for multi-line disable descriptions (#4895).
  • Fixed: support for paths with parentheses (#4867).
  • Fixed: selector-max-* (except selector-max-type) false negatives for where, is, nth-child and nth-last-child (#4842).
  • Fixed: length-zero-no-unit TypeError for custom properties fallback (#4860).
  • Fixed: selector-combinator-space-after false positives for trailing combinator (#4878).


  • Fixed: max-empty-lines TypeError from inline comment with autofix and sugarss syntax (#4821).
  • Fixed: property-no-unknown false positives for namespaced variables (#4803).
  • Fixed: selector-type-no-unknown false positives for idents within ::part pseudo-elements (#4828).


  • Added: ignoreSelectors[] to block-opening-brace-space-before (#4640).
  • Fixed: false positives for all scope disables in --report-invalid-scope-disables (#4784).
  • Fixed: TypeError for CSS-in-JS when encountering a call or template expression named 'html' (#4797).
  • Fixed: writing error information to stderr (#4799).
  • Fixed: minimum node version in package.json's engine field (#4790).
  • Fixed: alpha-value-notation number precision errors (#4802).
  • Fixed: font-family-no-missing-generic-family-keyword false positives for variables (#4806).
  • Fixed: no-duplicate-selectors false positives for universal selector and disallowInList (#4809).


  • Added: alpha-value-notation rule (#4770).
  • Added: color-function-notation rule (#4760).
  • Added: hue-degree-notation rule (#4769).


  • Fixed: time-min-milliseconds TypeError for ignore: ["delay"] and shorthand animation (#4783).


  • Added: ignore:["delay"] to time-min-milliseconds (#4743).
  • Added: ignoreFunctions: [] to value-keyword-case (#4733).
  • Fixed: improved performance when auto syntax is used (#4729).
  • Fixed: --report-needless-disables respects stylelint-disable commands (#4714).
  • Fixed: at-rule-property-requirelist TypeError for comments inside of font-face (#4744).
  • Fixed: declaration-block-trailing-semicolon false positives for CSS-in-JS object notation (#4749).
  • Fixed: declaration-empty-line-before false positives for inlines styles (#4726).
  • Fixed: media-feature-name-* false positives for forced-colors (#4775).
  • Fixed: value-keyword-case false positives WebExtension replacement keywords (#4778).
  • Fixed: value-keyword-case false positives regression for mixed-case properties and the ignoreProperties option (#4748).


  • Fixed: autofix will respect scoped disable comments by turning off autofix for the scoped rules for the entire source; this is a continuation of the workaround added in 13.2.0 (#4705).


  • Fixed: update postcss-css-in-js with fix for maximum call stack size exceeded error (#4701).


  • Fixed: babel configuration conflict when using TypeScript (postcss-css-in-js/#2).
  • Fixed: autofix for nested tagged template literals (#4119).


  • Added: ignoreFontFamilies: [] to font-family-no-missing-generic-family-keyword (#4656).
  • Fixed: function-calc-no-invalid false positives for SCSS and Less variables (#4659).
  • Fixed: unit-no-unknown false positives for x unit within vendor-prefixed image-set (#4654).

Merge request reports