Database Group Triage for week ending 2024-05-03
This issue is used by groupdatabase to triage issues and make sure they get properly assigned and prioritized. Each week, a bot will look up the old issue, pick the next assignee in the list, and submit a new issue with a list of any issues that may need attention from the team.
Review any issues identified for triage -
Review any issues with undefined types -
Post any questions or pressing issues to the database group meeting doc -
Post a comment on the database group status issue For triage this week there were 1 issues in need of triage, 10 issues without throughput labels, and 12 other database issues reviewed.
<link to this issue>
Issues needing triage (LabeledFor each issue below:
- If the issue needs further investigation, spend up to 1 hour of investigating or fixing the issue.
- If the issue is a typebug, assign it one of severity1, severity2, severity3, or severity4
- Document any findings you make in a comment on the issue, and if the issue still needs additional work or refinement, consider looping in
to help with scheduling and priority. - If the issue is incomplete, labeled ~"workflow::scheduled", and will take more than an hour to fix, remove databasetriage
Bugs needing Severity
For each issue below:
- For each typebug, spend up to 1 hour investigating or fixing the issue.
- Assign it one of severity1, severity2, severity3, or severity4
- Document any findings you make in a comment on the issue, and if the issue still needs additional work or refinement, consider looping in
to help with scheduling and priority.
Issues with Undefined Type
For each issue below:
- Assess if the issue is appropriately assigned to groupdatabase, if not add the correct group label.
- Add the proper work type label, or if the issue is a request for support, redirect the user to our support resources with the following message:
Hey @author. Based on the information given, this request for support is out of the scope of the issue tracker (which is for new bug reports and feature proposals). Unfortunately, I won't be able to help get it resolved. However, for support requests we have several resources that you can use to find help and support from the Community, including: * [Technical Support for Paid Tiers]( * [Community Forum]( * [Reference Documents and Videos]( Please refer to our [Support page]( for more information. If you believe this was closed in error, please feel free to re-open the issue. /label ~"support request" /close
- If the issue needs further investigation, add databasetriage and spend up to 1 hour of investigating the issue.
- Document any findings you make in a comment on the issue, and if the issue still needs additional work or refinement, consider looping in
to help with scheduling and priority.
Unified Backups: Investigate a solution for backing up PostgreSQL in larger installations -
Concurrent index management operations allowed on partitioned table indexes -
Guard against and remove SQL sorts by id as a proxy for timestamp -
Postgres training for Backend developers at database team page -
Add documentation regarding not using AWS DMS for GitLab databases -
multiple patroni clusters support -
IPv6 connectivity for -
Self hosted - Connection reset by peer -
[Docs feedback: gitlab:background_migrations:finalizeBackfillMergeRequestDiffsProjectId -
Proposed solution for incorrect db schema doesn't work
Recent issues labeledFor each issue below:
- If the issue has no
label, consider if it should be addressed by groupdatabase and if so label it. - If the issue has a group, and you think they may need assistance from us:
- If the issue needs further investigation, add databasetriage and spend up to 1 hour of investigating the issue.
- Document any findings you make in a comment on the issue, and if the issue still needs additional work or refinement, consider looping in
groupthreat insights owasp top 10 index on vulnerability reads to support group level report page -
groupthreat insights Drop confidence column from security_findings
groupthreat insights Drop confidence columns from vulnerabilities
table -
groupthreat insights Implement ElasticSearch ingestion for vulnerabilities into the starboard and manual vulnerability apis -
groupsource code Create a plan for snippets table migration -
groupthreat insights Migrate existing vulnerability_reads records into ElasticSearch -
groupproduct planning Drop unused epic_metrics table -
groupthreat insights Implement inheritable Advanced Search Namespace Setting for vulnerabilities -
groupthreat insights Implement ElasticSearch ingestion task into the Vulnerabilities ingestion process -
groupthreat insights Define and integrate ElasticSearch based Vulnerability Finder into the Vulnerability GraphQL query -
groupthreat insights Define VulnerabilityReference for ElasticSearch integration -
groupmlops Remove Candidate table and model
Recent mentions of For each mention below:
- If the item already has an adequate response, move on to the next
- If the mention is from someone looking to provide feedback on database review, and nobody has responded yet, set up a coffee chat with them and make a note in the thread that you did. Record feedback in the feedback issue.
- If you know how to respond to the comment, post a response
- If you don't know how, redirect with a specific mention to someone who may be able to respond
mentioned the team on Update min postgres version to 14 -
mentioned the team on Add support to list child pipelines in project -
mentioned the team on [Test] spec/support_specs/database/without_check_constraint_spec.rb | Database::WithoutCheckConstraint .without_check_constraint when creating an invalid record enables invalid record creation inside block -
mentioned triage on [Docs feedback: gitlab:background_migrations:finalizeBackfillMergeRequestDiffsProjectId
Customer Issue Hand-offs
For each issue below:
- If the item already has a back and forth, check in with the @praba.m7n to see if what needs to be handed off
- Consider if it's right for our team and if not, ask the support rep to follow up with the correct team.
- If the item is right for our team, spend some time accessing it and trying to assist.
- If you need help, and the request seems pressing, ask in the team channel if there's someone who can help dig into it.
Indexing failing with segmentation faults~"Help group::Database", severity2
Review Recent Postgres Checkup
For each database:
- Are there new queries in the top queries (See: K003 Top-15 Queries by total_time) compared to a previous report?
- If there are new queries, Spend up to 30 minutes trying to understand their sources
- If there are new queries, file an issue and assign to the team that owns the query, or if unable to source, then the team that owns the table
- If there are no new queries, review the top 5 queries for each to see if there are already investigations, or file issues to investigate them
Review recent Primary Checkup for new Top Queries -
Review recent CI Checkup for new Top Queries
@alexives if @stomlinson isn't available this week, please reassign to @dfrazao-gitlab
cc @rogerwoo
Review Dashboards on queries with large In-Lists
For both Sidekiq and Rails:
- If the report is empty, no action is needed
- For each item on the report:
- Determine what feature the query belongs to
- Create an issue for the team owning the feature category asking them to limit the maximum number of items in the in query
Edited by Prabakaran Murugesan