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fix(handlers): add debug messages for repository blob link checking

Hayley Swimelar requested to merge 1015 into master

Related to: Corrective Action: Improve debug logging around... (#1015 - closed)

This MR adds more debug log messages for repository blob link checking. During gitlab-com/gl-infra/production#14260 (closed)+ it was difficult to determine why we were failing to find layer blobs as three distinct scenarios produce the same error message. Namely:

  • the repository isn't in the database
  • the blob link isn't in the database
  • the blob link isn't found when the blob is served

Along with Enable Debug Logging for Registry in Pre and St... (#1018 - closed) this will ensure that we can tell these three scenarios apart on our non-production environments.

Edited by Hayley Swimelar

Merge request reports