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feat(cache): cache repository self size

Related to #823 (closed)

Summary 🌱 (Why)

Calculating a repository size is currently done by evaluating an sql query on the metadata database, there is an opportunity to reduce the calculation overhead by caching the result of the calculation in the registry's redis cache and retrieving it from there in subsequent calls to the service. With this MR we aim to do exactly that. For deeper context please refer to #823 (closed).

Summary (What's in this MR) 🌱

To resolve the issue #823 (closed) , this MR now does the following:

Testing 🔦

Demo 🎮



  1. Run the container-registry with a metadata-database and a redis cache instance
  2. Setup a monitor for changes to the redis cache to see which keys are being modified in redis. For example; you can do this with redis-cli like so : redis-cli -a 'asecret' psubscribe '__key*__:*'
  3. Push an image to the registry
  4. Monitor the redis cache (as instructed in 2.) to see what key was modified
  5. Retrieve the value of the key (e.g via redis-cli GET {{key}}) and observe the that the value is the repository object with it's size field set to nil/null
  6. Make a request to the registry for the size of the repo that was just pushed (e.g curl registry:5000/gitlab/v1/repositories/{repoPath}/?size=self) and monitor (as instructed in 2.) redis to get the key that was modified
  7. Lookup (again) the modified key (e.g via redis-cli GET {{key}}), the value should be the same value obtained in 5 but with the size field filled in (i.e not nil)
  8. Make another request to registry:5000/gitlab/v1/repositories/docker/?size=self notice that the cached object was not updated this time around (you can verify this by checking the TTL of the cached object and comparing it to its previous ttl) (e.g via redis-cli TTL {{key}})
  9. Make a request to the registry to untag the image that was just pushed (e.g curl -X DELETE registry:5000/v2/<name>/tags/reference/<tag>).
  10. Check that the size attribute of the cached key is set to nil (as instructed in 5.);
  11. Query for the size of the repository again (as instructed in 6.), and verify the returned value has a changed size than what was obtained from 7.
Edited by Suleimi Ahmed

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