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Release v2 auto-deploy-image (Merge beta into master)

Shinya Maeda requested to merge beta-to-master into master


We release official v2 image as the beta branch has been a while and no upcoming change is scheduled.

To create this MR, I basically did:

git checkout beta
git merge master

and resolve a few conflicts. Surprisingly, it was almost clean merge.

The point to check is whether we keep adding legacy stable chart repo ( or stop adding it. This MR has still been adding it because it's the other type of breaking changes that not initially planned to be dropped in v2 release.

Close #125 (closed)

Reminder: we'll remove the beta branch later

Manual QA

  • Updated: Wed Nov 18 08:30:29 UTC 2020
  • Result:

Auto Deploy dependencies setup

Test Flow:

Edited by Shinya Maeda

Merge request reports