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do not install prometheus CR if prometheus.install is set to false

I already have Prometheus installed in my cluster and would to use that Prometheus instance instead.

In addition, the current Prometheus cluster throwing service account-related errors (see #684).

I also want to note that the Prometheus implementation is very different from the GitLab chart Prometheus implementation. In the chart, it installs Prometheus using the downstream Prometheus chart, but in the Operator, it creates a Prometheus CR and assumes the Prometheus Operator is already installed. If the Prometheus implementation in the operator followed a similar strategy to the rest of the Operator, then prometheus.install should control whether or not the downstream Prometheus chart is installed, not the custom implementation the Operator has. I felt that the Prometheus operator CR was intended to be a drop-in replacement for the downstream Prometheus chart, so I felt it was appropriate to use the same value, prometheus.install, to control the creation of the Prometheus CD.

Edited by Aaron Walker

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