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Decouple lifecycle of GitLab CRD from the Chart

Hossein Pursultani requested to merge 1234-crd-hook into master

This MR contains the following changes:

  • GitLab CRD is created in pre-install/upgrade hooks using a script that runs as a job with CNG kubectl image (see charts/gitlab/charts/operator/templates/crd_job.yaml).
  • GitLab resource is hooked to post-install/upgrade
  • As a result Operator bootstrap mode is removed. There is no need for global.operator.bootstrap. Now Chart can be installed with one command, helm install --set global.operator.enabled=true --set ....

Closes #1234 (closed)

Also, I believe it closes #819 (closed) (for now)

Edited by Hossein Pursultani

Merge request reports