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Redis: add persistence capability

Jason Plum requested to merge 95-redis-persistence into master

Add Redis persistence capability through configuration: persistence

Configuration of the disk which data is persisted is done via disk. It is currently laid out with only one member, persistentVolumeClaim. It is assumed that the administrator will have created the PV/PD prior to the configuration and deployment of the chart, if they chose to use truly persistent storage.

If no persistentVolumeClaim is supplied, we'll map in an emptyDir volume automatically. This will no persist outside the Pod lifecycle, but will persist through container failures or pod restarts. It is limited to 10G on the node.


Configuration of snapshotting is done via an array of time and writes pairs, which result in lines in redis.conf of the format save ${time} ${writes}. If the array is empty, then the rendered line will be save "" which disables snapshotting entirely.

  - time: 60
    writes: 1

Closes #95 (closed)

Documentation included

No changes to .gitlab-ci.yml needed for this, as charts/redis/values.yml provides sane defaults if redis.enabled: true.

Edited by Jason Plum

Merge request reports