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  • Jason Plum's avatar
    Database: support load balancing reads in Rails · 8ae8ab73
    Jason Plum authored
    Add support for the configuration of read-only query load balancing
    as a part of Rails.
    Implements (at a global level), the support for configuration of
    - checkConfig to ensure that internal PostgreSQL is not being installed
    - `global.psql.load_balancing` properties.
    - RSpec to test checkConfig
    - RSpec to test configuration renders as expected.
    - Examples under `examples/database/values-loadbalancing-*`
    Tested configuration
    NOTE: Properties were added here in `snake_case` to directly align to
    upstream documentation of these properties. They _can_ be swapped in
    the future, but it may be time to re-evaluate that choice.
    Closes #1004