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  • Stan Hu's avatar
    Toolbox: Support GKE Workload Identity Federation for gsutil · f0c00487
    Stan Hu authored and Achilleas Pipinellis's avatar Achilleas Pipinellis committed
    Prevously gsutil would require backup credentials be specified in a
    Kubernetes secret, but this requires configuring a secret.
    This does not allow a service account tied to the node or the cluster
    from being used.
    `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` is configured by the Chart to specify
    the location of the backup credentials. If this file does not exist,
    we tell `gsutil` to obtain a token via the default service account by
    a config parameter in `.boto`. This enables backups to work with GKE
    Workload Identity Federation.
    Relates to
    Changelog: added