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  • John Skarbek's avatar
    Adds ability to configure the notification_secret · c861be46
    John Skarbek authored and DJ Mountney's avatar DJ Mountney committed
    * This is primarily utilized for Geo
    * At this point, we create the ability to configure our Rails
      application with the secret item required
    * This DOES NOT attempt to add the secret item to the Container Registry
      * Save for a future MR?
    * Adds the necessary testing with a helper to dig deep into the nesting
      produced by our YAML files
    * Proposal adds the following:
          enabled: true
    The above will configure a secret with a sane default if required and
    set this on the gitlab.yml file
    As this gitlab.yml file is shared amoung all deployments, this secret
    needs to be mounted into the init containers for Sidekiq and Webservices
     This does not configure the Container Registry side of items