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Allow overriding image.registry to remove slash

What does this MR do?

Currently the .Values.image.registry is concatenated with the image and tag "registry/image:tag" so when the registry is set to an empty string, then the resulting image is "/image:tag" which is an invalid image path. This change removes that preceding slash.

  • In the _helpers.tpl that generates the "gitlab-runner.image", check to see if the registry is set to an empty string and don't include a slash in the result

Why was this MR needed?

On deployed environments using a registry proxy, the default registry can be set on the Kubernetes nodes and not explicitly defined in the deployment definition.

What's the best way to test this MR?

# Verify the full image works with a registry
helm template --debug ./ | grep "image:"

# Results in:
# image:

# Verify the image without a registry
helm template --debug --set image.registry="" ./ | grep "image:"

# Results in:
# image: gitlab-org/gitlab-runner:alpine-bleeding

# Behavior without a registry prior to this change
# image: /gitlab-org/gitlab-runner:alpine-bleeding

What are the relevant issue numbers?


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