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Update broken and outdated links in Helm chart values.yaml

What does this MR do?

While working with the gitlab-runner Helm chart recently I noticed a few urls that didn’t lead to the expected documentation. This MR therefore fixes broken or outdated links in the values.yaml of the gitlab-runner Helm chart. Here’s a list of the old links, their updates and the reason for the updates:

  1. rbac.rules
  1. serviceAccountAnnotations
  1. serviceMonitor.tlsConfig
  1. securityContext
  1. podSecurityContext
  1. resources
  1. nodeSelector

Why was this MR needed?

The links to the documentation should be up-to-date so that people, who use this Helm chart know where to find further information for specific topics.

What's the best way to test this MR?

Check whether the updated urls link to the correct documentation now.

Merge request reports