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If volumes

Eric Adlam requested to merge (removed):if-volumes into master

If you don't list any volumes in your values file, install fails with:

/sim-compiler.yml charts/gitlab-runner --dry-run          
Error: render error in "gitlab-runner/templates/deployment.yaml": template: gitlab-runner/templates/deplo
yment.yaml:17:31: executing "gitlab-runner/templates/deployment.yaml" at <include (print $.Template.BaseP
ath "/configmap.yaml") .>: error calling include: template: gitlab-runner/templates/configmap.yaml:48:46:
 executing "gitlab-runner/templates/configmap.yaml" at <>: nil point
er evaluating interface {}.hostPath

This checks that .Values.runners.volumes exists before resolving .Values.runners.volumes.hostPath.*

Edited by Eric Adlam

Merge request reports