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  • Jason Plum's avatar
    gitlab-rails: support skipping post-migrations in db checks · bf41476c
    Jason Plum authored and Dustin Collins's avatar Dustin Collins committed
    Add support for explicitly bypassing schema post-migrations to
    `wait-for-deps` scripting that detects the codebase version.
    Add `BYPASS_POST_DEPLOYMENT`, that will cause the use of checking
    `db/migrate` when present. This is in place of `db/schema_migrations`
    as `db/migrate` will only have pre-migrations that are required for
    the application to start.
    Supplemental: large cleanup of outdated code, from prior to 16.0
    - We no longer support `schema.rb`
    - We no longer use Rake tasks
    - We no longer read `structure.sql` (as `db/schema_migrations` or
      `db/migrate` will always exist)