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Infrastructure Relationship

Justin Stark requested to merge jstark/infra-relationship-proposal into master

In order to facilitate better collaboration from Data Engineers and Analysts on this proposal I have decided to create a Markdown file and MR for easy iteration.


Many of you are aware that we've run into a lot of problems effectively working with the Infrastructure team. I believe this has much more to do with the way the teams positioned in GitLab than anything else. I do believe, with executive sponsorship and a clear goal and plan, that we can make this relationship more functional.

This Document

At the moment this proposal lacks detail, which is where I would like the most input. Please contribute any corrections, links, or examples you can. The goal here is to accurately describe the problem so as to identify and assess appropriate solutions.

I like the structure I have so far, but don't feel like it's beyond criticism.

@tayloramurphy @kathleentam will you lead out? I'll share more widely once you two have contributed.

THIS WILL BE MERGED WEDNESDAY so all contributions need to be in before then.

Edited by Justin Stark

Merge request reports