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Prioritized labels

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Other labels

  • groupintegrations
    GitLab Data
    Work related to the Integrations group of the Ecosystem stage
  • groupknowledge
    GitLab Data
    Work related to the Knowledge group of the Plan stage
  • groupmlops
    GitLab Data
    Work related to the MLOps group of the ModelOps stage
  • groupobservability
    GitLab Data
    Work related to the Observability group of the Monitor stage
  • groupoptimize
    GitLab Data
    Work related to the Optimize group of the Manage stage
  • grouppackage registry
    GitLab Data
    Work related to the Package Registry group of the Package stage of the DevOps lifecycle. See
  • Work related to the Pipeline Authoring group of the Verify stage
  • Work related to the Pipeline Execution group of the Verify stage
  • Work related to the Pipeline Security group of the Verify stage
  • Work related to the Product Data Insights group
  • groupproduct planning
    GitLab Data
    Work related to the Product Planning group of the Plan stage
  • groupprovision
    GitLab Data
    Work related to the Provision group of the Fulfillment stage
  • grouppurchase
    GitLab Data
    Work related to the Purchase group of the Fulfillment stage
  • grouprelease
    GitLab Data
    Work related to the Release group of the Release stage
  • grouprespond
    GitLab Data
    Work related to the Respond Group
  • grouprunners
    GitLab Data
    Work related to the Runners Group
  • groupsecret detection
    GitLab Data
    Work related to the Secret Detection Group
  • groupsource code
    GitLab Data
    Work related to the Source Code group of the Create stage
  • groupstatic analysis
    GitLab Data
    Work related to the Static Analysis Group
  • Work related to the Subscription Management group of the Fulfillment stage