Prioritized labels 0
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Other labels 291
Affects Metrics Dictionary
GitLab Data
Issues that affect the health of metrics or events, and general issues with data pipelines
ChampionCorporate Finance
GitLab Data
This label indicates who the Data Champion is for the Issue or Epic. This is the other side of the coin for the Team label and indicates who is the primary analytics stakeholder for the work.
ChampionCustomer Success
GitLab Data
This label indicates who the Data Champion is for the Issue or Epic. This is the other side of the coin for the Team label and indicates who is the primary analytics stakeholder for the work.
ChampionData Team
GitLab Data
This label indicates who the Data Champion is for the Issue or Epic. This is the other side of the coin for the Team label and indicates who is the primary analytics stakeholder for the work.
ChampionEngineering Analytics
GitLab Data
This label indicates who the Data Champion is for the Issue or Epic. This is the other side of the coin for the Team label and indicates who is the primary analytics stakeholder for the work.
ChampionFinance Analytics
GitLab Data
This label indicates who the Data Champion is for the Issue or Epic. This is the other side of the coin for the Team label and indicates who is the primary analytics stakeholder for the work.
GitLab Data
This label indicates who the Data Champion is for the Issue or Epic. This is the other side of the coin for the Team label and indicates who is the primary analytics stakeholder for the work.
ChampionOnline Sales
GitLab Data
This label indicates who the Data Champion is for the Issue or Epic. This is the other side of the coin for the Team label and indicates who is the primary analytics stakeholder for the work.
ChampionPeople Analytics
GitLab Data
This label indicates who the Data Champion is for the Issue or Epic. This is the other side of the coin for the Team label and indicates who is the primary analytics stakeholder for the work.
ChampionProduct Data Insights
GitLab Data
This label indicates who the Data Champion is for the Issue or Epic. This is the other side of the coin for the Team label and indicates who is the primary analytics stakeholder for the work.
GitLab Data
This label indicates who the Data Champion is for the Issue or Epic. This is the other side of the coin for the Team label and indicates who is the primary analytics stakeholder for the work.
ChampionSales Finance
GitLab Data
This label indicates who the Data Champion is for the Issue or Epic. This is the other side of the coin for the Team label and indicates who is the primary analytics stakeholder for the work.