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Allows us to use weights for the registry haproxy backend

John Jarvis requested to merge jarv/use-weights-registry into master

For gitlab-com/gl-infra/delivery#940 (closed)

This allows us to set haproxy weights, which will allow us to send a bit more traffic to the canary registry.

With a default weight set to 3, we will generate this backend config:

       +backend registry
       +    mode http
       +    balance roundrobin
       +    option forwardfor
       +    option splice-auto
       +    timeout server-fin 5s
       +    option httpchk GET /debug/health HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\
       +    server registry-01-sv-gstg registry-01-sv-gstg.c.gitlab-staging-1.internal:5000 weight 100 check inter 2s fastinter 1s downinter 5s fall 3 port 5001
       +    server gke-cny-registry weight 3 check inter 2s fastinter 1s downinter 5s fall 3 port 5001
Edited by John Jarvis

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