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Add Plan 15.0 retro corrective actions

John Hope requested to merge jh-15-0-plan-retro-followups into master

Why is this change being made?

See 15.0 Plan retrospective (gl-retrospectives/plan#75 - closed)

I would like to refactor this handbook page a lot, now that there's quite a lot of guidance about spikes. However, this change attempts to capture the corrective actions from the 15.0 retro for now.

  1. Establish an internal release cut-off date, before which a feature should be deployed, tested and FF enabled on to allow for time to fix remaining defects. Date should be 15th (or release cut-off - 2d) (see gl-retrospectives/plan#75 (comment 958417436), gl-retrospectives/plan#75 (comment 958420913)) @kushalpandya @mushakov @cngo @digitalmoksha
  2. Improve collaboration on Spikes (See gl-retrospectives/plan#75 (comment 960488326)) @fguibert @egrieff @mushakov @gweaver
    1. Assign FE, BE and UX to each spike at the start of the milestone.
    2. Description is kept up-to-date with acceptance criteria. PM, EM, Eng and UX sign off on scope before work starts.
    3. Any higher-level architectural blueprints (e.g. for Work Items) are kept up-to-date with outcome of spike.
  3. Include docs counterpart (@msedlakjakubowski) in planning for features.

This only makes the change on the Product Planning page but I will aim to put this in a reusable partial for the groupproject management page also.

Author Checklist

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    • If this is a change that directly impacts the majority of global team members, it should be a candidate for #company-fyi. Please work with internal communications and check the handbook for examples.

Edited by John Hope

Merge request reports