FY20-Q4 OKR Dev Section: Increase Maintainers proportional to growth => 50%
Key result: Maintain current developers to maintainers ratio - Nominate and add maintainers as we are increasing (BackEnd increase from 4 to 5, Frontend increase from 5 to 6) => 50%
We grew in Q4 by 7 engineers (from 73 to 80). We added 2 BE maintainers and have now a total of 4 BE Maintainers (We lost in Q4 also 2 BE maintainers who moved to the Scalability team) and added 1 FE maintainer.
New Maintainers in Dev
Backend maintainer - Imre Farkas
Backend Maintainer - Heinrich Lee Yu
Frontend Maintainer: Natalia Tepluhina
Other Maintainers
gitlab-shell Maintainer - Patrick Bajao
gitlab-shell Maintainer - Igor Drozdov
Database Maintainer: Adam Hegyi
What went well
- We also added maintainers in other areas and have a couple of more trainees
What went wrong
- We lost 2 maintainers as they moved to other departments (scalability), which is in a company view not too bad then
How to improve
- Add section specific monitoring to section dashboard to also monitor constantly and revisit number monthly
Edited by Tim Zallmann