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Update community relations provisioners/owners in tech stack

Tech Stack Update

  • Review the proposed MR before creating provisioner/offboarding issues @johncoghlan
    • FYI @wspillane on de-provisioning Tweetdeck. Community relations do not need access anymore after retiring the advocacy program.
  • Create required issues with the personas:
  • Switch MR status from Draft and assign reviewers @kxkue @gitlab-com/gl-security/security-assurance/security-risk-team @sttruong
Tech stack Old New Provisioner change?
Discourse provisioner: @dplanella technical_owner: David Planella, Michael Friedrich provisioner: dnsmichi technical_owner: Michael Friedrich, Fatima Sarah Khalid TODO: Provisioner + Offboarding issue
Disqus provisioner: @dplanella technical_owner: David Planella provisioner: @johncoghlan technical_owner: John Coghlan, Michael Friedrich TODO: Provisioner + Offboarding issue
Zendesk for Community Relations provisioner: @dplanella technical_owner: same provisioner: @johncoghlan technical_owner: same TODO: Provisioner + Offboarding issue
Tweetdeck provisioner: @wspillane @dplanella technical_owner: same provisioner: @wspillane technical_owner: same TODO: Provisioner + Offboarding issue

Please do not merge this MR before the Business Systems Analysts have reviewed and approved.

Security Risk (@sttruong)

Not required prior to merging

  • Once updates are finalized, reconcile changes with the ZenGRC System of Record

/cc @kxkue @gitlab-com/gl-security/security-assurance/security-risk-team

Edited by John Coghlan

Merge request reports